Get Rid of that frizz in 7 quick ways Are you fed up of your frizzy hair! Are you tired of your dry hair? Is your frizzy hair the reason for your low confidence? Do you keep searching for the ways to manage your hair but end up in disappointment?  […]

Foods That Help Improve Your Eyesight Eyesight is one of the most important aspect of our lives. Most of us manage to pull through with a decent eye sight for many years of our lives. Eyesight can weaken or diminish over a period of time, either due to health or […]

Nutritious Food for Healthy and Beautiful Hair You tend to put in a lot of thought to the kind of hair oil, shampoo and conditioner that will suit your hair. You also make rounds of the salon every month to get expensive hair treatment done for your hair. But, all […]

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