How To Lose Belly Fat For Men Those who have belly fat have difficulty to do a lot of activities. Moreover, excessive fat in their body makes them look ugly. However, getting rid of the body fat is not a difficult proposition. One has to do balanced eating, do regular […]

How To Get Fair Skin At Home? It is very important in today’s world for people, especially women to feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin. We are trying to break colour barriers and promoting the notion that all skin colours and types are equally beautiful. However, it is […]

Tulsi AKA Basil Tulsi also known as Basil is known across India for its medicinal purposes. It is also a very significant plant known to a lot of people for its religious significance also. It is grown in most houses in the country as it is considered auspicious and brings […]

Dry skin tends to get drier with climatic changes. This makes your skin look wrinkled and shrivelled. This is mainly because your skin lacks moisture and needs to be hydrated. Though skin produces some oil naturally, in case of dry skin, the amount of oil produced is just not enough. […]

Be it post pregnancy, losing or gaining weight, your skin gets marred with light lines. These are called stretch marks that tend to occur when the skin loses its flexibility. They look quite annoying and even embarrassing at times. However, you can easily get rid of these marks by using […]

5 ways to get teeth white and reduce Bad breath Grooming is an essential aspect of our lives. In that, hygiene plays an important role in staying hale and healthy. While it is highly important to dress well, equally important is the need to maintain proper hygiene and grooming standards […]

Now that the winter is around the corner, you must be dreading a dry and stretched look that your skin would soon get. Coupled with this is the need to look perfectly made up and pretty. Well, this is definitely not as difficult as you think. A little planning and […]

“I am not short; I am just cuter than other girls”. We started with this quote just to make the person who opened this article feel positive about her height.  If you are short that doesn’t mean you cannot be stylish. Of course, you can! You can look better than […]

Holi is here! Are you ready for some Fun? Holi  the festival of colors is just round the corner. Celebrated with much joy and verve, the story behind this festival heads back to the days when Gods are believed to have treaded on Earth. No matter, what the folklore says, […]

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