Most of us spend considerable amount of time, cutting and shaping nails and then coating them with the right nail polish. But just one rip and all the efforts go to waste. This generally happens when they are not healthy. It is important that we put in some effort to […]

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar Among the vinegars, apple cider has been proven to be a real boon for health, beauty and wellbeing. Also known as cider vinegar or ACV, this type of vinegar is actually prepared from apple must or cider and comes in a pale amber colour. Over […]

Detox The Healthy Way! Detoxification is a process of removing harmful substances from your body. It is essential to detox your body as it will speed up your metabolism and improve your overall health. A body cleanse once in a while will leave you feeling livelier and healthier and also more productive. […]

5 Best lipsticks you need to grab this winter! Winters are all about Berry and browns and more of wine shades which add to the glam quotient of the look. When everything around is gloomy,you can be the show stealer by wearing the right lipstick which leaves everyone awestruck! So here are […]

How to Get Rid of Oral Thrush Naturally Oral thrush that is also known as Oral Candidiasis, is a disorder that affects your inner cheeks and tongue when there is a severe accumulation of a particular type of fungus. This fungus is called Candida Albicans and it can cause infection. […]

Great Makeup Ideas for the Gypsy Look Who can forget that gypsy woman at the carnival who swore that she could tell you your future by looking at that glass ball or a bowl of water? The mystique that hung over and around these gypsies can be mesmerizing. Equally attractive […]

Foot Spa At Home A day at the foot spa is every woman’s dream, especially after a long week at work. The soothing oils and lotions, the massage and best of all the cleansing, but who has the time and all that amount of money to make a trip to […]

Equipment options for outdoor adventures have greatly evolved over the last few years understanding your options and knowing your limits are crucial. You will find numerous options as you start with the planning activity such as quality, cost, environment options, flexibility, safety, and sizing should be the vital components as […]

Losing weight is always a tough task but once you get onto it,it doesn’t seem as tough as it was! To lose weight everyone needs some motivation to help them start it off and we have 5 easy ways to help you start it off! 1.Make sure you have breakfast […]

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