The hot summer months bring along a promise of some time to relax and a chance to vacation with family and friends. Chances are that you are not far behind and would have planned your vacations too. Now that you would be spending long hours exploring new locales and chatting […]

“I am not short; I am just cuter than other girls”. We started with this quote just to make the person who opened this article feel positive about her height.  If you are short that doesn’t mean you cannot be stylish. Of course, you can! You can look better than […]

Summer accessories you must own! Spring Summer is here and the fashion circles are all abuzz with these amazing accessories trends that have caught on. Having a perfect wardrobe is just not enough. Adding the right accessories will add the much needed oomph to your style. Take a look at […]

Trust us…we mean it! you are wonderful. Happy Women’s Day! Woman is said to be one of the most perfect creations of the God Almighty. Considered to be the correct balance of beauty and brains, she has been treading the earth ever since the beginning of time. However, over the […]