Combining some simple habits and taking the appropriate medications are part of the keys so that a discomfort of this type does not disable our daily routine. Review these tips and avoid a bad time. Many times, just thinking that we may have a headache makes us sick. And it is not for less, […]

Vitamin D deficiencies can condition the development of structural problems in the medium term related to loss of muscle strength or bone mineralization. What foods give us this micronutrient? Vitamin D is one of the deficient nutrients in the population of many countries. It can be synthesized endogenously from exposure to sunlight. However, […]

Have you heard of the flexitarian diet? It is a model that has become quite fashionable due to its positive impact on health. The flexitarian diet is a dietary model that has the foundations of a vegan diet, although it provides greater variety. This guideline is based on the possibility of sticking to […]

Blueberries contain substances such as vitamin C and anthocyanins, the assimilation of which contributes to skin care. Why are they recommended? What are its benefits? In this space we detail them. Blueberries have become popular as a healthy fruit for the skin. Due to its concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds, some include them […]

Human growth hormone, HGH, is commonly prescribed for adults and children who do not produce enough on their own because of a condition or injury affecting the pituitary gland. It also has off-label uses for things like muscle gain, fighting the signs of aging and more. When you decide to […]