Holi is here! Are you ready for some Fun? Holi  the festival of colors is just round the corner. Celebrated with much joy and verve, the story behind this festival heads back to the days when Gods are believed to have treaded on Earth. No matter, what the folklore says, […]

Working Women A few years ago women were expected to be stay-at-home wives, subservient to their male counterparts and it wasn’t considered ‘lady-like’ for a woman to want anything more than just that! Thankfully the economy is developing not just technologically but, with the mindset of the people. Sadly, one thing […]

The Best Car Insurance For You! Choosing your Car Insurance or Auto Insurance can be quite a task especially when you don’t really know much about insurances and what they entail. This is why I have simplified it for you so that you can find it easier to figure things out for yourself. Think of […]