14 Amazing Home Remedies to Heal Cavities Naturally!

Heal Cavities

Most people can’t concentrate on any work while suffering from any tooth related issue. And, when it comes to cavities it can even worsen your condition. You won’t be able to drink or eat anything without dealing with pain. This article will share more about this issue and the ways you can heal cavities naturally.

You have cavities when your teeth have small holes because of tooth decay. This occurs because of lack of proper diet and dental care. Bacteria and plaque slowly start making their place in your teeth. In rare cases, people who took all the precautions and care, still end up suffering from tooth related problems including cavities.

Here are some natural cures to keep your teeth healthy and away from all the problems.

1. Fluoride Mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwash is a great natural cure for tooth related problems. You should use Fluoride mouthwash to gargle after brushing. It contains fluoride which you require for healthy teeth. You should do this twice every day. This process will offer minerals to them. Tooth decay usually occurs because of lack of minerals.

2. Calcium And Magnesium Powders

You should get Calcium and Magnesium tablets. Grind them well to convert them in powders. Apply this powder on your teeth using a brush. You should do this once daily. Both calcium and magnesium will provide minerals to your teeth. This powder will also keep your mouth alkaline. Hence, it won’t allow cavities to affect your teeth with its acid.

3. Butter Oil And Cod Liver Oil

You should take a capsule of both Cod liver and Butter oil supplements during lunch. You can take these capsules daily with any meal to balance optimum dental hygiene. These capsules contain plenty of vitamin A, D and K. You can also take capsules which contain both of these supplements.

4. Bone Broth

Bone broth possesses several beneficial properties. You should get bones of poultry, beef, lamb, and bison if you can. It contains calcium and magnesium. You will also need salt and black pepper powder. Boil some water and add animal bones in it. You have to make the broth thicker. It removes cavities and fights tooth decay. You should mix salt and black pepper in this soup for taste. Drink it when it is hot. It improves your digestive system, nail, hair as well as skin. You can keep this bone broth in the refrigerator. You should take it daily with your meal. It is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

5. Salt Water

The salt solution is definitely the most popular natural cure for tooth related problems. You should get a teaspoon of Epsom salt. Then, blend it in a bowl of hot water. You should mix salt in it. It will remove stickiness from your mouth. Use it to gargle your mouth twice daily. It will keep your mouth bacteria-free. You must rinse your mouth to heal cavities. It will neutralize the acidic pH.

6. Clove Oil

You should get Clove oil. Take a bit of it in a cup. Apply it with your fingers on the cavity affected teeth. You should lightly massage it. You can use a cotton pad if your fingers are unable to reach the area. Clove oil removes the tooth sensitivity caused because of tooth decay. You can use it twice or thrice daily. It is rich in Eugenol. Hence, it has an analgesic reaction. It limits the increase of several sorts of bacteria, fungi, and virus with its antimicrobial constituents and thus helps heal cavities.

7. Vegetable Oil

You should put some vegetable oil in a cup. You should rinse your mouth with it twice daily for about 5 to 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can use coconut or olive oil. It pulls out bacteria by trapping them in oil. It removes tooth infection and pain. This process is called oil pulling. It limits swelling from the gums.

8. Alcohol Compress

You should get Gin, Vodka, and Whiskey. You should create a solution by mixing them in a bowl. Take a Washcloth. Make sure it is clean. Put it inside the solution. Apply it directly on affected tooth to fight cavity. Although it will sting at first, leave it for 4 to 5 minutes. Repeat this process once daily. Since the products are alcoholic in nature, it will remove pain and destroy bacteria present in your teeth.

9. Vanilla Essence

Pure vanilla extract is antiseptic in nature. You should get the Vanilla extract. You should use a cotton pad to apply it on cavity affected tooth. Leave it for 5 minutes. You should also massage it on the surrounding gums. Do this process twice or thrice daily. It relieves the symptoms connected with cavities, particularly pain.

10. Rock Salt And Mustard

These two ingredients are usually available in your kitchen. Salt neutralizes pH level. You should blend two tablespoons rock salt with mustard oil in a cup. Apply the solution on your teeth daily. It will help you heal cavities naturally. Mustard oil is antimicrobial. You should also gently massage gums. Gargle your mouth thoroughly after 5 minutes. It will remove the salty taste from your mouth.

11. Lemon

Lemon contains vitamin C. It is useful in removing germs and easing the pain. You should take a lemon. Try to chew it for around 3 minutes. You should use fresh water to rinse your mouth properly. You can do this whenever you suffer from a toothache because of cavities.

12. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass limits the increase of bacteria because of its antibacterial nature. You should get Wheatgrass juice. Consume it daily before breakfast as a healthy juice. This process destroys bacteria present in the mouth. It also eases pain caused by a cavity.

13. Garlic

Most people love to include spicy and herbal garlic in their food. However, they won’t find it tasty when it comes to chewing it raw. You should get a garlic clove. You should chew it daily before breakfast. It will kill pain because of its antifungal and antibacterial nature.

14. Tea

Green tea can help heal cavities.  You can mix honey and squeeze lemon juice in it for taste. Consume it twice or thrice daily. Alternatively, you can brew black tea. It reduces plaque production and limits the increase of bacteria. It will also keep your teeth while killing all the germs.


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