Blueberries contain substances such as vitamin C and anthocyanins, the assimilation of which contributes to skin care. Why are they recommended? What are its benefits? In this space we detail them. Blueberries have become popular as a healthy fruit for the skin. Due to its concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds, some include them […]

Human growth hormone, HGH, is commonly prescribed for adults and children who do not produce enough on their own because of a condition or injury affecting the pituitary gland. It also has off-label uses for things like muscle gain, fighting the signs of aging and more. When you decide to […]

Athletes are exposed to numerous types of injuries during training, exercise, and sports. Experts have always claimed that head injuries are the most common followed by fractures and sprains. Although injuries can be avoided by athletes, most find themselves out of the pitch for a long time nursing one or […]

A flat stomach and chiseled abs are notorious signs of good health and fit lifestyle. However, they can be frustratingly tough to achieve. Often, stubborn belly fat stands in the way of having the stomach of your dreams.  From diet changes to non-invasive procedures, there are methods to effectively shed […]

A woman’s menstrual cycle is a very important part of her life. There are a lot of factors that can disturb this cycle. One of the main factors that are commonly involved in an unhealthy alteration of a period cycle is a polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a common condition […]

“Mouths that insist on sweet things will hardly escape the bitter experience of dental disfiguring.” – Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty’ n’ Worthy African Proverbs – Volume 1   Are your teeth falling out? There are many reasons for tooth decay and subsequent loss. As the African proverb quoted by Vincent […]

Human Growth Hormone and other peptides online is gaining immense popularity amongst fitness trainers and enthusiasts. HGH is utilized for the purpose of body building, improving muscle strength, developing endurance and weight reduction. In the case of women, it has enhanced functionality. HGH has a direct association with the beauty of […]

Many people believe that as we grow older, it’s inevitable that we’re going to lose our hearing. However, that’s not the case. Hearing loss can be a result of a number of factors, and people would be surprised to discover that one of those is genetic. Yes, genes can play […]